Q&A: speedCut not found in Maya bonus tool menu. JwSpeedCutWin = mc.window("jwSpeedCutWin",title = "speedCut 1.58",w = 300,h = 600, mxb = False, s = 1 ,bgc = ) In order to support the app from shared network drives the MAYA_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable needs to be set to point to the directory that contains PackageContents.xml. Each of these can be torn off and floated just like standard Maya menus.īefore installing BonusTools 2023, older versions of Maya BonusTools should be uninstalled first in order to avoid conflicts. Each sub-menu contains a number of related tools. Maya Bonus Tools has been organized to mimic the layout of the standard Maya menu sets. This menu provides easy access to a variety of tools and utilities for daily use. After installing Bonus Tools, an additional pull-down menu will be added to the end of the main Maya menu. You have to practice, polish your new skills, so you can find better or faster solutions to reach impressive results.Bonus Tools 2019/2023 is a free collection of useful Autodesk® Maya® scripts and plug-ins. Without stress and questions regarding tools and methods. But I can promise you that by the end of my course you will be able to work on your own ideas. Nobody can promise you "a ticket" or a work in CG industry shortly after taking any course. Let me give you the basics, so later I can be proud from my students. Can you do better? Of course you can, but you have to start from something. May be you are on the same place right now when I actually was about ten years ago. I'm an indie games developer with some official experience in CG industry. * My availability in comments - feedback and problems solving * Original, step-by-step 45 hours tutorial * We are done! Export to Game Engine, enjoy our job! * Back to Maya – time to create LOD’s (Level of Details) * Substance Painter – fast, nice and easy. * Done with a model? Create error-free UV layout for texturing * Practice on a vehicle creation, interior and articulated parts

* Creating a new Shelf with our must-have commands list * Discover polygonal modeling, elements and manipulation options Next, we have to texture it in Substance Painter and export for games purposes. In this course, I will teach you Maya basics during actual game-ready vehicle modeling process. Explore the shortest and the optimal way to understand game-ready assets preparation pipeline. My course is oriented to future Games Creators.