'L2/03-174R2: Proposal to Encode Phonetic Symbols with Middle Tilde in the UCS' (PDF). Illustrated Introduction to Latin Epigraphy.

? : Gothic letter daaz, which derives from Greek Delta.â®á¦â¬ Runic letter thurisaz, another possible descendant of Old Italic D.

â®á⬠: Runic letter dagaz, which is possibly a descendant of Old Italic D.? : Old Italic D, the ancestor of modern Latin D.Πδ : Greek letter Delta, from which the following symbols originally derive.? : Semitic letter Dalet, from which the following symbols originally derive.È¡ : D with curl is used in Sino-Tibetanist linguistics Īncestors and siblings in other alphabets.á´ á´° áµ : Small capital D and various modifier letters are used in the Uralic Phonetic Alphabet.ê¹ êº : Insular D is used in various phonetic contexts.Related characters Descendants and related characters in the Latin alphabet D is the grade below C but above E in the school grading system.The Roman numeral â ® represents the number 500.

Examples of such languages include Icelandic, Scottish Gaelic, Navajo and the Pinyin transliteration of Mandarin. In some languages where voicelessunaspirated stops contrast with voiceless aspirated stops, â¨dâ© represents an unaspirated /t/, while â¨tâ© represents an aspirated /tÊ°/. (See D with stroke and Dz (digraph).) In Fijian it represents a prenasalized stop /nd/. However, in the Vietnamese alphabet, it represents the sound /z/ in northern dialects or /j/ in southern dialects. In most languages that use the Latin alphabet, and in the International Phonetic Alphabet, â¨dâ© generally represents the voiced alveolar or voiced dental plosive /d/.